My hope as a New River Valley Photographer is to provide you with a fantastic experience through headshots or family session and provide art that you can cherish for years.

But, my friends, there is more!  This girl has a lot of things she loves!  And through this blog and social media, my goal is to expose you to some things that you may not be aware of and to give you the opportunity to learn from my journey.

Yes, I am on a journey…

I’m doing things that I’ve never done before and I’m finding the focus that was never there.  And as I learn new things, I would love to share that with you.  Sometimes I will do that myself, but other times, I will invite someone to guest blog.  Times like this, I am totally piggy-backing on the ideas of a good friend.  But if it’s worth sharing, I want to share it!  Am I right?!  I don’t want you to miss out.

I want you to have something to take away from your experience on my website.

But, Kristina, you have all these pretty photos for me to see.  Isn’t that enough?

Haha…no, not really.  Not for me.  Because you see, I have always had a passion for helping others and leadership…heck, I got my Master’s Degree in basically those two things.  So through this blog, I’d like to offer some wisdom and I’d love for you to join me!

Prepare for Wisdom Below…

As parents or just society in general, we are bombarded with things that we “have to” do or that our children “need to” experience.  There is just no way that we can do ALL the things.  We need to choose what is truly important, make that a goal, and figure out the steps to achieve it by working it into our routine.

Here we are at almost the end of February and many folks have maybe forgotten that they even made New Year’s resolutions.  Have you?  And don’t we develop these resolutions because we are upset by the current state of our life?  I understand and I get it…change is hard.  It’s difficult to achieve a goal without a plan.  I find that I constantly need to set goals for myself and I can achieve those when I sit down and write out my steps.  But most importantly for me, I’ve realized that I need motivation and daily reminders to stick to those goals and chase away that mean little voice inside my head.

Well, how do you do that, Kristina?  

Well, friend, I’m so glad that you asked!  I have a few methods.  I usually have at least one self-help type book that I reading.  And I listen to podcasts in the car instead of the radio.  I’ll definitely share some of my favorites of those soon.  But I also try to make friends and connect with folks who are striving for success as well.  Have you ever heard the phrase, “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”?  It’s so very true.  Think about it.

And on that note…meet Dave Urso.  Dave and I went to graduate school together at James Madison University.  Go, Dukes!

Kristina Rose Photography, headshots, goals, BlacksburgA couple of years back, I met up with Dave for some headshots.  I definitely had a great time catching up with him and I love to hear about the big goals that this guy is working on.  Dave is the Dean of Life Sciences and Human Services at Blue Ridge Community College.   And he is currently in the beginning stages of launching a new business, Dynamic Consulting.  Dynamic Consulting offers programming related to leadership development, community inspiration, mentorship, and nonprofit development.   Go check it out and contact him about connecting with a mentor or cheerleader to help you achieve your goals.

Kristina Rose Photography, headshots, goals, Blacksburg

Through part one of goal setting, I want you to think of some goals that you have.  They can be anything – health, fitness, make more family time, start a blog, start a business, make meal-planning a priority, make it through the day calmly with your kids at home….whatever your little heart desires.

So, tell me, what do you want to achieve?

And then WRITE. IT. DOWN.

……I know, I know, we’ve all heard this stuff a million times.  But do you know why?  Because it works!  Successful people don’t become that way by luck.  They plan and they make decisions and choices that lead them to their goals.

Now, how are you going to achieve this goal?  What are your plans or steps?  In part two of goal setting, I have a guest blogger who is really going to dive deep into those steps with you.  Until then, I’d love for you to watch this short video that Dave made about goal setting to get your gears turning.


Goal Success = Dissatisfaction with the Current State of Affairs + Vision for the Future + First Step (+Accountability)

Think of your goal and take it through this equation.  What is holding you back?  Listen, I’m in the mood for some goal crushing!  Are you with me?

Please chat with me in the comments and I hope you’ll join me back for part two to learn the steps to achieve your goals.

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