by Kristina Rose | Limited Edition Sessions, Parenting, Personal, Photo Tips, Photography
Well, it’s the time of year and whether you like it or not, we need to send those adorable kiddos back to school. No big surprise here, but as a Christiansburg, VA Photographer, photos are important to me and first day of school photos are. my. favorite....
by Kristina Rose | Mompreneur Interviews
I have always been jealous of Jen’s love for cooking. She is so adventurous and makes the most delicious foods. But here’s the kicker…HER KIDS ACTUALLY EAT THE FOOD!! I’m just green with envy. So when she decided to do her own food blog, I...
by Kristina Rose | Announcements, Limited Edition Sessions
Ok just because I am a wife, mother, and a VA family photographer, does that mean that I can speak for all moms? Nope, but I think that I have a handle on some of them, at least. Honestly, I’m excited to hear what others think in the comments – let me...
by Kristina Rose | Guest Blogger
No, really. DO IT. A wise Japanese proverb says, “Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher.” How true. How simple. But teaching. Teaching is not simple. Teaching is hard work. It requires diligence, perseverance, kindness, work...
by Kristina Rose | Limited Edition Sessions, Local Highlights, Self Help
Thanks to all those who entered! You ladies are awesome! I am so happy to celebrate some mommas! The Giveaway is over, but that shouldn’t stop you from reading about all the awesomeness contained in this post! A few weeks back, I came across this blog post...
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