Your Best Business Tool? A Headshot That Works as Hard as You Do!

Let me stop you right there—if you think a headshot is “just a photo,” think again! Your headshot could be the very reason someone connects with you, trusts you, and ultimately chooses to work with you. And I’ve got the perfect story to prove it.

My client Julie works at a bank, and she recently gained a new customer who was new to the area. When she asked why they chose to work with her specifically, the answer totally floored her. The customer said, “I just kept coming back to your photo. Something about it was telling me to choose you. It’s like God was telling me to choose you.” When Julie told me, we had a good laugh because next to that client’s name in their referral system, it says “Kristina Rose/God.” LOL. But in all seriousness—it was Julie’s photo that did the trick.

Julie is one of the kindest, most genuine women I know, and you can see that in her headshot. This is what happens when you take the time to capture the real you in your photos. So, don’t tell me headshots aren’t important—they’re literally the reason people who don’t know you will choose you.

Kristina Rose photography headshot photos of professional women

Gone are the days of stiff, fake smiles bringing in business. Today, a great headshot is all about showcasing your personality. It should capture attention and say, “Yes! That’s the person for the job!”

So here are five things to consider before your headshot session with anyone, but it’s a REQUIREMENT before your headshot with me! 😉

1. Your Brand

Who are you, and what is your business at its core? What colors represent you? Where will this photo be used? Think about the story you want to tell. What three words do you want people to say when they look at your photo? For example, “She looks trustworthy,” or “He seems approachable, with a sense of humor.”

If you’re a fun, easy-going person, we’re not doing stiff, formal poses! Take a look at Pinterest and find some photos that speak to you. Remember, your headshot isn’t just a pretty picture—it’s your brand in a single frame.

2. Your Pose

Are we leaning? Arms crossed? Listen, if you’re not a “hand-on-hip” kind of person, don’t force it! I’m not here to fit you into a mold. I want you to be YOU—the version of you that your clients or customers need to see.

I usually have clients sit naturally, then tweak it to make it camera-friendly. Yes, we all slouch in real life, but for photos… we “sit up tall.” (If you’ve worked with me, you’ve definitely heard that one!) Depending on your profession, we’ll adjust your pose. If you’re a counselor, maybe you sit down and lean in with a head tilt to show you’re a good listener. If you’re a CEO, we might go for something a little more commanding.

Kristina Rose photography headshot photos of professional men

3. The Background

The background can make or break the story your headshot is telling. Do we want a pop of color, something that matches your brand palette, or maybe a sleek, modern indoor look? We can even take it outdoors if that fits your vibe.

But don’t worry if you’re thinking, “What if I need my photo to look good everywhere?” Maybe you’re a realtor who needs a versatile headshot for everything from business cards to billboard ads. In that case, a simple, solid background might be your best bet. It’s clean, professional, and easy to use across different platforms without clashing with your branding.

Remember, the background is a key part of the story your headshot tells, so we’ll make sure it works with your goals and how you plan to use the photos.

4. The Clients You Want to Attract

What “job” are you applying for? Think about who’s going to be looking at this headshot. Are you attracting laid-back, fun-loving clients? Maybe we’ll lean toward a more casual, approachable pose. Or are you targeting high-level executives in a formal industry? We’ll go for a more polished, serious look to show your authority.

Also, where will this headshot live? If it’s going on a giant billboard, you might want something with a little more “pop” to catch attention. If it’s for LinkedIn or a business magazine, we might keep it more subdued and professional. Knowing where your photos are going to be seen helps us tailor the session and get the right look for your audience.

Kristina Rose photography headshot photos of professional women

5. Your Eyes (Yes, Really!)

Let’s talk about your eyes. You know that saying, “The eyes are the window to the soul”? It’s not just poetic—it’s scientifically true when it comes to photography. Your eyes convey emotion, and the right expression can make all the difference.

The difference between a genuine smile and a stiff one isn’t in how many teeth you’re showing—it’s all about the eyes. A real smile lights up your entire face, especially your eyes, and that’s what draws people in. When your eyes are engaged, you show warmth, confidence, and approachability—all things you want your clients to see. So, don’t worry if you feel awkward about smiling for the camera. We’ll get you relaxed, having fun, and before you know it, that real, “sparkle-in-the-eyes” smile will show up!

I’ve been doing this for a while, I have some trade secrets 😉

Let’s Make Your Headshot Work for You!

At the end of the day, I’m not in the business of just taking a pretty picture. I’m here to help you sell your personal or professional brand. Let’s take some photos that show who you are and get you some business! Your headshot should be a tool that works just as hard as you do, helping you stand out and attract clients who need exactly what you offer.